{ "version": 3, "sources": ["src/app/models/product.model.ts"], "sourcesContent": ["import { AddOn } from './addon.model';\r\nimport { DiscountModel } from './discountModel.model';\r\nimport { ProductTypeModel } from './productType.model';\r\n\r\nexport class ProductModel {\r\n productMasterId: number = 0;\r\n productName: string = '';\r\n productDisplayName: string = '';\r\n productCode: string = '';\r\n productApprxWeight: number = 0;\r\n productDescription: string = '';\r\n productIngredientDetails: string = '';\r\n productTypeId: number = 0;\r\n productImgURL: string = '';\r\n productCategoryName: string = '';\r\n defaultImg: number = 0;\r\n defaultImgStr: string = '';\r\n productImgURLs: Array = [];\r\n entityId: number = 0;\r\n unitId: number = 0;\r\n sellPrice: number = 0;\r\n discountPrice: number = 0;\r\n foodTypeId: number = 0;\r\n costPrice: number = 0;\r\n isActive: boolean = true;\r\n vatPercent: number = 0;\r\n productType: ProductTypeModel = new ProductTypeModel();\r\n productVariants: Array = new Array();\r\n addonsMasterIds: number[] = [];\r\n productIngredients: string = '';\r\n campaignDiscount: DiscountModel | null = null;\r\n quantity: number = 0;\r\n isAddOnsItem: boolean = false;\r\n isChecked: boolean = false;\r\n productAddons: Array = new Array();\r\n activeStatus: boolean = true;\r\n vatType:number=0\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport class ProductVariant {\r\n /**\r\n * Primary key of variant / attribute / outlet wise product mapping\r\n * @type {Number}\r\n */\r\n variantId: number = 0;\r\n /**\r\n * Display name of the variant\r\n * @type {string}\r\n */\r\n variantName: string = '';\r\n /**\r\n * Primary key of the outlet that is selling this item\r\n * @type {number}\r\n */\r\n outletId: number = 0;\r\n /**\r\n * Display name of the outlet that is selling this item (Mostly necessary for display purposes)\r\n * @type {string}\r\n */\r\n outletName: string = '';\r\n /**\r\n * Primary key of the master product this item is a variant of\r\n * @type {Number}\r\n */\r\n productMasterId: number = 0;\r\n /**\r\n * Name of the master product this item is a variant of (Mostly necessary for display purposes)\r\n * @type {string}\r\n */\r\n productName: string = '';\r\n /**\r\n * Name of the measuring unit of this product (Mostly necessary for display purposes)\r\n * @type {string}\r\n */\r\n unitName: string = '';\r\n /**\r\n * Product quantity in a single unit\r\n * @type {Number}\r\n */\r\n weightValue: number = 0;\r\n /**\r\n * Primary key of the measuring unit of this product\r\n * @type {Number}\r\n */\r\n discountPrice: number = 0;\r\n /**\r\n * The quantity of the product.\r\n * @type {Number}\r\n */\r\n quantity: number = 1;\r\n /**\r\n * Indicates whether the product is currently selected.\r\n * @type {boolean}\r\n */\r\n isSelected: boolean = false;\r\n weightId: number = 0;\r\n sellPrice: number = 0;\r\n costPrice: number = 0;\r\n minsalePrice: number = 1.0;\r\n isAddon: boolean = false;\r\n isActive: boolean = true;\r\n vatAmount: number = 0;\r\n specification: string = '';\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport class AddOnsMappingModel {\r\n productMasterId: number = 0;\r\n productName: string = '';\r\n entityId: number = 0;\r\n outletId: number = 0;\r\n addonsMasterId: number[] = [];\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport class ProductImageModel {\r\n isDefault: boolean = true;\r\n imageUrl: string = '';\r\n imageSequence: number = 0;\r\n imgBin: string = '';\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport class ProductAddonsModel {\r\n productMasterId: number = 0;\r\n productName: string = '';\r\n productDisplayName: string = '';\r\n productDescription: string = '';\r\n productIngredientDetails: string = '';\r\n categoryId: number = 0;\r\n entityId: number = 0;\r\n productApprxWeight: number = 0;\r\n specification: string = '';\r\n unitName: string = '';\r\n weightId: number = 0;\r\n weightValue: number = 0;\r\n sellPrice: number = 0;\r\n foodTypeId: number = 0;\r\n costPrice: number = 0;\r\n isActive: boolean = true;\r\n OutletWiseProduct: Array = [];\r\n}\r\nexport class OutletWiseProduct {\r\n entityChildId: number[] = [];\r\n attributeId: number = 0;\r\n attributeName: string = '';\r\n productMasterId: number = 0;\r\n productName: string = '';\r\n costPrice: number = 0;\r\n sellPrice: number = 0;\r\n minsalePrice: number = 1.0;\r\n specification: number = 0.0;\r\n weightId: number = 0;\r\n isActive: boolean = true;\r\n}\r\n"], "mappings": "wCAIM,IAAOA,EAAP,KAAmB,CAAzBC,aAAA,CACE,KAAAC,gBAA0B,EAC1B,KAAAC,YAAsB,GACtB,KAAAC,mBAA6B,GAC7B,KAAAC,YAAsB,GACtB,KAAAC,mBAA6B,EAC7B,KAAAC,mBAA6B,GAC7B,KAAAC,yBAAmC,GACnC,KAAAC,cAAwB,EACxB,KAAAC,cAAwB,GACxB,KAAAC,oBAA8B,GAC9B,KAAAC,WAAqB,EACrB,KAAAC,cAAwB,GACxB,KAAAC,eAA2C,CAAA,EAC3C,KAAAC,SAAmB,EACnB,KAAAC,OAAiB,EACjB,KAAAC,UAAoB,EACpB,KAAAC,cAAwB,EACxB,KAAAC,WAAqB,EACrB,KAAAC,UAAoB,EACpB,KAAAC,SAAoB,GACpB,KAAAC,WAAqB,EACrB,KAAAC,YAAgC,IAAIC,EACpC,KAAAC,gBAAyC,IAAIC,MAC7C,KAAAC,gBAA4B,CAAA,EAC5B,KAAAC,mBAA6B,GAC7B,KAAAC,iBAAyC,KACzC,KAAAC,SAAmB,EACnB,KAAAC,aAAwB,GACxB,KAAAC,UAAqB,GACrB,KAAAC,cAA8B,IAAIP,MAClC,KAAAQ,aAAwB,GACxB,KAAAC,QAAe,CACjB,GAEaC,EAAP,KAAqB,CAA3BnC,aAAA,CAKE,KAAAoC,UAAoB,EAKpB,KAAAC,YAAsB,GAKtB,KAAAC,SAAmB,EAKnB,KAAAC,WAAqB,GAKrB,KAAAtC,gBAA0B,EAK1B,KAAAC,YAAsB,GAKtB,KAAAsC,SAAmB,GAKnB,KAAAC,YAAsB,EAKtB,KAAAxB,cAAwB,EAKxB,KAAAY,SAAmB,EAKnB,KAAAa,WAAsB,GACtB,KAAAC,SAAmB,EACnB,KAAA3B,UAAoB,EACpB,KAAAG,UAAoB,EACpB,KAAAyB,aAAuB,EACvB,KAAAC,QAAmB,GACnB,KAAAzB,SAAoB,GACpB,KAAA0B,UAAoB,EACpB,KAAAC,cAAwB,EAC1B", "names": ["ProductModel", "constructor", "productMasterId", "productName", "productDisplayName", "productCode", "productApprxWeight", "productDescription", "productIngredientDetails", "productTypeId", "productImgURL", "productCategoryName", "defaultImg", "defaultImgStr", "productImgURLs", "entityId", "unitId", "sellPrice", "discountPrice", "foodTypeId", "costPrice", "isActive", "vatPercent", "productType", "ProductTypeModel", "productVariants", "Array", "addonsMasterIds", "productIngredients", "campaignDiscount", "quantity", "isAddOnsItem", "isChecked", "productAddons", "activeStatus", "vatType", "ProductVariant", "variantId", "variantName", "outletId", "outletName", "unitName", "weightValue", "isSelected", "weightId", "minsalePrice", "isAddon", "vatAmount", "specification"] }